Covid-19 has brought the world to a stand still. There are a lot of people who have booked their dream destination holiday and have had it all cancelled. How do you get your money back or how do you get a credit on your booking. Every supplier and every operator have different rules and policies in place and these are changing all the time
Who are we?
We are a group of experienced Travel consultants that have got together to help people navigate how to get a refund or credit for their travel bookings that they have made. We have helped over 80 clients get a successful solution and believe we have the expertise to help you. How we plan to do this is have a virtual meeting with you and see if we can help. We will give you an unbiased opinion on what you can and can't do with your current bookings. We are travel agents and we have the expertise to help you and as we are 100% independent we can help you navigate the terms and conditions of the various suppliers.
Once we understand your circumstance we will then help you create a plan of action to get the refund and the credit. We do have a small charge for our time which ranges from free advice up to $250 depending how much work will be involved. We will give you full transparency and you will have the option to accept our charges or not before we proceed. We love to help people and as there is no work in travel we believe we can turn our skill set to helping people recover funds in one form or another.
We are not here to champion travel agents but rather help you get an honest and clear picture of where your funds are sitting and what your best option will be to secure a refund or credit for future travel. We will work with you and keep you informed every step of the way.
If you have booked your trip direct with with the supplier or with a travel agent we will be able to give you an unbiased report on your booking that will give you the information you need to make informed decisions and suggested actions to take to get the most our of your booking
Our Clients​
Our ideal clients are people who have made a booking but are really battling to get a grip on how to proceed in getting a refund or credit. We are here to help you navigate the spiders web of these cancellation policies and help you recover your funds or get a credit. We have found that there is a complete lack of communication out in the market and people are trying to get a second opinion on what they have been told by the supplier or agent. We are an independent and unbiased option
How Does It Work?
We book an appointment with you either on the phone or via our Zoom page. During this appointment we find out from you what you would like us to do and how we can help you. We may need to do some research for you. We will present you with a proposal on what can be done and the fee associated with the report. If accepted we will proceed to get you a report within 5 - 7 days on your booking and give you a suggested course of action to take. This will include the current policies on your booking and important dates on when they need to be auctioned by. Once you have this report we will then keep in contact with you to advise you of any changes to policies on your booking and check if you have received any action on our recommendations. If you opt to take a credit we will give you the terms and expiry dates of that credit and how it can be utilised
Our Fee's
We charge a small fee for our service. This ranges from free advice to $250 depending on the work we will need to do to produce you report for you. The average for a normal booking with 3-5 elements on it is around $100. We will agree the fee upfront and once agreed and paid we will not increase that even if we are required to do more work than anticipated